Sunday, March 2, 2014

Happy March!

So it has been 2 months since I have put anything on our blog and I am ashamed...So sorry. We have been extremely busy in the art room since my last post and I'm excited to share our projects with you! I hope you enjoy them! As I'm writing this, it is snowing and sleeting outside and we have a snow day tomorrow...I think it is snow day number 14 maybe...I have definitely lost track. I'm super excited about spring coming and we are going to have our very first art show coming very soon! the kids as well as myself are very excited about this! Stay tune for a future date because it is in the works! =)

So to start off our new projects...when we came back from Christmas vacation and all of our snow days, we began abstract portraits Picasso style. I love Picasso so much, I had to see how I could fit all grades and their grade level expectations within this project so everyone could create their own...they turned fantastic! Enjoy them below!!!!!!

Students began choosing 3 different colors of construction paper. They had to draw two eyes and a nose. One feature for each colored of paper.  They had to make sure and draw two different eyes and not the same on both pieces. After they drew their features, we used oil pastels to color in our features. I love abstract art because the kids were able to color their features whatever color the wanted. Some had a hard time doing this because they kept telling me that our nose isn't purple, but I encouraged them to let go and have some fun!

After their features were finished, they chose another colored construction paper so glue their features onto. They had to play around with them and I encouraged them to move them around in different areas until they found the perfect place for them!

Some wanted to glue and then color and that was just fine! =0)
I love how they began taking shape and showing personalities.

And once their features were glued down, we colored their face different colors along with their shirt and necks! they turned out awesome!!!!!

They all did a great job! Love these and my kids!

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